About Us
We focus on produces screw pump stator rotors
Xingtai Junyang Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., established in 2018, is a professional company that produces screw pump stator rotors.
Our Strength
The company has its own rubber production line and advanced production equipment, bringing high-quality and stable products to rubber stators.
Multiple rotor processing equipment can provide customers with precision rotors of different materials, such as tool steel, cast steel, etc., which have the advantages of high wear resistance and high hardness; The company focuses on customer customization and OEM to create high-quality and cost-effective products for customers, enabling them to gain core competitiveness in a fiercely competitive market environment.
Featured Products
These are some common questions from customers.
If the answer on the right can't solve your confusion, please click the button below to contact me!
1Why is seasonal tire replacement so important?
Duis luctus et pede id erat dictum commodo, odio non felis. Morbi accumsan pede nec ultrices volutpat. Phasellus consequat.
2When should I replace my Rotor?
Curabitur vel sodales nulla. Ut molestie, neque. Nulla vitae arcu erat, fringilla augue a elit metus, ullamcorper augue, ullamcorper pede sed est.
3Why should I replace my tires with summer Rotor?
In malesuada arcu magna, gravida vitae, dictum eu, aliquet lorem. In id ultrices libero ornare risus.
4Why should I change to Rotor?
Morbi mattis magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ultrices fringilla eget, ante. Suspendisse porttitor quis, lacinia id, justo.
5Donec fermentum ut, sapien?
Fusce consequat nunc. Nulla nec magna. In laoreet feugiat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et lectus. Ut wisi nec diam magna in turpis egestas.
November 30, 2021